Week 10 (spring terms week 1 )
This week I have been experimenting with different glaze combinations in ceramics (some from the last term) and continuing to work on my finished project 1 (mobile).
glaze test
I used both high-temperature glazes (blue) and low-temperature glazes (red). The high-temperature glazes turned out smoother, more complete and felt like they were ready to use; the low-temperature glazes turned out very varied, with the different blends varying greatly. I might try adding glass shards to the containers afterwards.
ins: attua.aparicio
alumina glaze

I went on to make the mobile, but when I tested it I realised it was unbalanced. It was really too painful. I tried to use the physics formula to calculate how to balance the weight on both sides, maybe I need to adjust the position of the pivot point instead of adjusting the weight, or maybe I need to do both. But I think I'm getting more skilled at making mobiles. I can now make two different types of mobiles.

Writing Courses with Bridget and Simon